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10+ Wierd Ways to fight laziness and become a successful person

10+ Wierd Ways to fight laziness and become a successful person

How laziness affect  your studies and your path to be a successful person

Hello friends again welcome to verryonel. Here you can explore the secrets of knowledge and habits to be a topper and many more good things . I am here today and we will discuss the topic " How to fight laziness and become a topper " This topic will be very very useful for students as well as adults preparing for competitive and other exams .Students who want to be a successful person in life cross all difficulties to  study effectively . But those who can't become successful people their main mistake is laziness .So you are thinking laziness  means   waking up late in the morning but the actual meaning of laziness is the lack of interest for anything along with waking up too late in the morning .  If you  want to avoid laziness, your key to overcoming it and the path to success start by reading and understanding this special article. 

In this we will see how laziness affects  your studies and your path to be a successful person ,  in different ways and will discuss the effective ways to overcome this difficulty in the simplest way.

1)   When you sit to study what happened you first start with full concentration and after 10 to 15 minutes your mind will be at another place or you have many distractions and most of the time you feel sleepy and you hardly  study but in a sleepy manner. But that type of studying affects one student's life very effectively . When you study by sleeping nature your concentration will be not on your book but on the thing that when the time will end and you will go to sleep  . This  is a kind of laziness  ,  you can't concentrate on your studies and you  will not be able to answer the questions in the school next day and  you can't complete the given homework . Which will affect your study and dream to become a topper and a successful person.

The solution for this is to first think why you have been sleepy at the study times , why not are the times when you are playing and watching TV . The  reason is the internal interest towards something.  I know we all have more interest in playing and watching TV than the interest for studying . So  to avoid this you have to store the interest for study at your mind to store interest the methods are

  i) Meditation : Do meditation for at least 2 to 5 minutes per day in the morning and in the evening before you sit for study.

 ii) To bring more interest on the topic ,you have to first read or see the interesting part related to the topic then you have more growing interest to know more about the topic this is like you have missed a cricket match and the next day your friend explains the math and your favourite batsman was in good form & your friend stops from the half , then definitely you have more and more interest inside you to know what happened next. 

 2) Another reason for laziness is the lack of sleep. If your sleep isn't complete, then you will feel lazy. This means not that you will wake up too late.  This means a teenager has to sleep at least 8 hours per day and an adult  has to sleep 7 to   7 half hours per day if you sleep very much or very less . You have automatically feel sleepy many times in a day and you will feel lazy throughout the day . 

3)  If you feel lazy every time during study you have to do one thing to avoid that you have to work or stroll in your garden or in the area where trees are situated , being situated in nature your mind and Soul will be relaxed and refreshed .  After that you will go to study &  you will have surprisingly  will not feel lazy during the study time this is also have another advantage that is walking will regulate your muscle and brain so you can remember easily what you have read.  You will also become very active after doing this method and will not feel lazy.

 4) To acquire  knowledge more efficiently and with better manners ,  you have to do one thing that will take time but after some period of time it will become your regular habit.  You have to sleep 1 hour  or 30 minutes before your general sleeping time and you have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to 5 a.m. in the morning . It sounds   very tough but the first step is  high but after that all steps are small you  will feel lazy or  sleepy  on the first and second day of waking at 4a.m. in the morning. After that you will feel normal. You have to study at dawn  time .In this time your mind will be empty and have no tension of what to do or what not to do. If you study at that time your brain can easily remember the information. At other Times your brain always think about many things so that it take time to receive the information completely .So you can't remember things clearly but while the dawn  time your brain will have no disturbance or things to discuss .So it easily receives information .And if we study at that time we can remember manythings of our study.

5) Whatever we read we have to remember that but those who can't remember it or not fully they have to read at the dawn  time but it is very difficult to wake at the time,  so to wake up at the dawn time you can set an alarm in this way…

 If you set an alarm in your mobile or any other clock and you keep it near you,  at a time when it rings you can  easily silence the alarm and again go to sleep and by this you can't wake up earlier . But if you place the alarm in a higher place or at  places to which  you have to do some work to reach then you can wake up earlier . How ? Look if you put the alarm at places where you have to wake  and need to do some physical work to silent it your sleep will go away between this work . You have to do something to wake up and if you do some work to silent it your sleep will disappear and you can wake up early. 

6)   In certain days or let in your free days when you have no such homework or any type of study stress,  but you are forced to study and you have no interest in studying the topic you sit with. So you will become bored, lazy and sleepy . So at that time ,Don't study that topic. Take your favourite subject's book and read whatever topic you want .This will prepare you by 2% .How? Listen when we do some work, some small small thing will be remembered by our brain  perfectly so by studying in this type your laziness will be driven away with some preparation . I am not saying read that topic thoroughly .Just read it as you read stories and you will remember at least  10% or 20% of what you have read.

Your marks will not be good only by avoiding laziness, you also have to do  hard work . Then you can succeed in your life and be able to achieve your goal. 

         Thank you very much for reading this article,

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