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Hello everyone, how are you all? I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your quarantine with verryonel. In this quarantine do not lose chance to get unlimited education tips and tricks along with amazing facts. Just grab it. So, today our topic of discussion is “HOW TO STAY FOCUSED ON WHAT YOU ARE DOING?” Now basically in this article I am going to discuss about how to stay focused, especially on studies. Because many of our readers belong to student category and also those people who are searching for job. So, without wasting much time let us start today’s topic.


Remember in all methods one common thing is there. Do a routine of what you are doing in a day. And follow it STRICTLY. And also be HONEST to yourself. If you do not follow it strictly then below methods will not work for sure. So it’s your responsibility to follow whatever you have decided to do. So let us begin.




First fix a time in which you want to study, and also fix the amount of time suppose you want to study from 6pm to 10pm. The amount of time is 4 hours now if you sit for studying for continuously 4 hours then I can say with claim that you will became bore. And lose all your interest. Also nothing will be remembered by the end of your session.


But if you started taking regular intervals between fixed times, then you will not lose your interest and also will not became bore. I know that you may not able to understand the above lines. But with a example you can. Now you are studying from 6pm to 10pm that is 4 hours. Divide these four hours into different sections. And put a 10 minutes break for rest. See the table below and you will clearly get it.


Time period                     What to do?

6-6:30 PM                        STUDY

6:30-6:40 PM                   REST

6:40-7:10PM                    STUDY

7:10-7:20PM                    REST

7:20-7:50PM                    STUDY

7:50-8PM                         REST

8PM-8:30PM                    STUDY

                    Like this till 10PM


This is only a sample table. Make a table like this according to your time of studying.


Now what to do in this rest period? So, before that you should know for what purpose you get this rest period? Now obviously you will say for rest. But not actually that; you can take rest, like you can have a power nap. But, I will suggest you to get entertained in this free period; fresh your mind in this period. But you must not use any digital product in this period. As in this lockdown you are much acquainted with these digital products. I know you have to use it as all your learning materials are present there. But you should not overuse it; as it can have a serious impact on your health. So in my opinion you should not use it.


Things To Do In This Rest Period:-


Ø You can ride a bicycle.

Ø You can have a walk on your rooftop.

Ø You can play with your elder or younger siblings

Ø You can have a talk with your parents

Ø You can enjoy nature’s beauty


And if you follow these methods honestly then I guarantee you that you will get success…




This method is somehow related to the first one. As it describes how to make those 30 minutes more interesting and amazing. In this method I am going to tell you that how can you make your study room more interesting and creative. Such that when you entered the room you will remember what you have studied, and also it will attract you.


Now I am telling this because, environment has a lot of psychological effects on our subconscious mind. And this is the part of the mind which insists you to grow your interest in something.


So first of all clean the room. Don’t put anything that will distract you. Make your study table clean. Must take care that; there should not be many things in your table, also not a lot of books. The most important thing is make short notes of those things in which you mostly face difficulties or which are important. Remember don’t make the notes so long. Write it in a clean paper. And paste it on a wall. Make sure you should paste the paper on the wall which is easily visible to you, mean you can watch it frequently.


This makes you remember the things that are wrote on the paper, every time you enter the room. And this will automatically get remembered. As there is no distraction, you can stay focused on your studies.

21 Days Method


Now you have grown interest in studies, fix a timetable and make your studying environment suitable for you. All the things are perfect now. But still, if you get distracted from studies. Then there is only one method that is 21 days method.


But this is a little bit hard also. And if you can complete it with honesty, then I guarantee you that you will never ever be distracted. Yes, you read it right. In your whole life time you  will be loving studies. This process is a little bit time taking, so let us begin.


First make a list of the things by which you are getting distracted. Now take three days, don’t use the things which are distracting you. Suppose you are distracted by mobile phone, then do not use it during these three days. You can do any other activity. (Be honest always)


Now after these 3 days take it to 7 days. (Make sure these days are all consecutive to each other) In these 7 days reduce the use of phone by 5 %, 10%, 15%, 25%, 50%, 70%, 100% respectively. But don’t discontinue your studies in these 7 days. Now you have grown some interest on studies.


Now comes the hardest period; the 21 days period. In this period use the phone only 25% of what you did earlier. But don’t reduce the study period. First study, and then gift yourself the mobile to use only 25%. Continue this process till 21 days with honesty. In my opinion you should not totally leave the use of mobile (Here we take the mobile as an example of a distracting material) as, it can be very useful, if you use it in a limited period and in the right way. After 21 days I bet you, you can’t leave a single day without studying. You will eventually pulled towards studies.


This is the most effective way that can help you to be focused on your studies. You can only get the full effect of this 21 day only if you do it with honesty and also read the first two methods.


So, that all for today friends. Hope you liked these 3 methods of how to get focused on studies. But again I am remembering you that you should be honest while performing these 3 methods, otherwise you will get nothing. And also let us know in the comment section below, how much you liked the article? And what you want next from us.






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